The Ultimate Talent Development Strategy

Bridging the world of work with the world of school is no easy task. It really takes a committed partnership between a team of teachers, their students, and an engaged employer. Ford NGL makes bridging these two worlds easier, and that’s especially so when the community-connected learning framework and process are applied. It’s that framework and process that drives the partnership to become even more powerful.


Key Concepts

The road to interdisciplinary project-based learning and the development of teacher team partnerships with community members can be a challenging journey. There are ways to make that journey easier. Did you know that the Ford NGL Community-connected Learning Framework will not only help today but can also help you plan for the future? 

Bridging the world of school and work and developing tomorrow’s workforce today, starts with the Ford NGL Community-connected Learning Framework. Join this Ford NGL U Chomp & Chat to explore the power of bridging the world of work and school using Ford NGL Community-connected Learning. It’s the ultimate talent development strategy!

The Panel

Hear from a California based team that is using Ford NGL Community-connected Learning to transform teaching and learning AND transform business engagement. Listen to their story, and ask them those tough “what, when, and how” questions. Get the answers that will help make your journey easier with more of the results you are looking for.  

Susan Wheeler

Susan Wheeler

Workforce Planning and Education Relations Strategist

Sacramento Municipal Utility District

Rebecca Hunter

Team Lead, Innovative Design and Engineering Academy

Pleasant Grove High School, Elk Grove Unified School District

Sue Hubbard

College and Career Specialists

Elk Grove Unified School District

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