ACTE & Ford NGL Career Academy Section Chats

In partnership with ACTE, Ford Next Generation Learning hosts regular Career Academy Section Chats aimed at addressing teams most pressing and relevant topics.

Attendees have the opportunity to engage in first-class hour-long virtual experiences with industry experts at no charge! Participants walk away with applicable resources and most valuable- a network to lean on as they work towards transformation.

Below you can find the recordings, related materials including resources for our Career Academy Section Chats to date.

ACTE Ford NGL Webinars Thumbnail

Career Academy 101: The Transformative Career Academy Model

In Ford NGL Career Academy 101 you’ll hear from experts, Cheryl Carrier and Scott Palmer on:

Structures to set your Career Academy Dream Team up for Success

If you’re looking to reap the benefits of the transformative career academy model then you’ve got to consider what school based structures and roles are going to set you up for success.

Impact roles like principals, academy coaches, counselors, and teachers need to work together in a system that ensures success for the student, teacher, and employer partner and in our hour long conversation we’re spotlighting the 3C’s (communication, collaboration, and coordination) and unpacking how they are the key to generating change.

Transforming the Student Experience

A compelling look at how one California district is reshaping the student experience.

We’re talking teaching through the lens, work-based learning in the real world, students learning in themed pathways, credit and industry certification opportunities, and other surefire strategies.

Transforming the Student Experience - The Freshman Academy Model

Get ready to engage your senses because you’re going to learn what transformed teaching and learning looks, sounds, and feels like for key stakeholders like- students, staff, and the business/community partners.

Hear first hand experiences from our high school leadership team colleagues in Battlecreek, Michigan. Realities, best practices and insights on everything they’ve learned from implementing this transformational model.

Learn more about our partnership with ACTE by visiting:

¹The Role of Career Academies in Education Improvement [Abstract]. (march 2009). ACTE Issue Brief. Retrieved from

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