Structures to set your Career Academy Dream Team up for Success

If you’re looking to reap the benefits of the transformative career academy model then you’ve got to consider what school based structures and roles are going to set you up for success.

Click to watch this our hour-long session that unpacks the essential roles for the career academy model

Communication Collaboration Coordination

Impact roles like principals, academy coaches, counselors, and teachers need to work together in a system that ensures success for the student, teacher, and employer partner and in our hour long conversation we’re spotlighting the 3C’s (communication, collaboration, and coordination) and unpacking how they are the key to generating change.

Join our Ford NGL resident expert and coach, Paula Barkley for this is a can’t miss session


Ford NGL Coach

“This chat is ideal for those who are currently involved in a career academy and want to strengthen the above mentioned roles and/or those who are exploring developing career academies in their school or district and want to better understand the commitment.”

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