The Power of Value Propositions: A Collaborative Approach to Engagement

Ford NGL Communities have a multitude of stakeholders that need to engage in workforce and education initiatives in order to grow opportunities for students. However, each stakeholder type needs to clearly understand the value propositions for engagement with Ford NGL. This on-demand webinar supports participants in their efforts to translate programmatic features into value-driven benefits. When they are able to effectively articulate features and resulting benefits, they maximize engagement with potential partners and community stakeholders.

**This webinar was developed and hosted in collaboration with Business U, Inc.

Key Concepts

Get the Benefits

Articulate the difference between a program feature and the associated benefit of Ford NGL communities.

Create Ongoing "WINS"

Apply a performance-based scorecard that matters to the organization and community stakeholders to celebrate early and ongoing “wins” within Ford NGL communities.

Add More Value

Translate program features into benefits to create relevancy and value for business customers and stakeholders.

Exclusive to Ford NGL Network Members

If you’re a member of the Ford NGL Network, click below to get access to this information packed webinar.

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